Updates of the Russian Web Server Angie PRO Released#


The company "Web-Server" announced the release of a new version of the Russian web server Angie PRO 1.4.0.

The company "Web-Server" announced the release of a new version of the Russian web server Angie PRO 1.4.0. This version includes significant changes:

In the HTTP module:

  • Request queues to proxied servers have been added—this improves service quality. Corresponding metrics have been integrated into the statistics API.

  • A learning mode for the sticky directive has been implemented, where client sessions are created based on the response from the proxied server—this allows for the integration of session binding mechanisms at the application level.

In the stream module:

  • Load balancing now supports three new configurable modes for accounting for the average response time from proxied servers; corresponding metrics have also been integrated into the statistics API.

  • Active checks of proxied servers have been added, expanding monitoring capabilities; corresponding metrics are also available through the statistics API.

In the configuration API, the ability to dynamically configure, add, and remove proxied servers has been introduced, and the state directive saves all such changes to the file; a similar function was previously added in the HTTP module.

Additions from Angie OSS 1.4.0#

In addition, a number of features adapted from the recent release of Angie 1.4.0 with open source have been included in Angie PRO:

  • Support for HTTP/3 for connections to proxied servers has been added; now servers and clients can independently use HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, or HTTP/3.

  • A load ramp-up mode has been implemented, allowing for a smooth introduction of proxied servers recovering from failure.

  • Directives for limiting MP4 streaming have been introduced to reduce the load on server infrastructure.

  • Improved load balancing support for the MQTT protocol, which is popular in Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

Packages and Modules#

Our collection of packages has been supplemented with two third-party modules: auth-ldap, which adds LDAP authentication with support for multiple servers, and a connector for ModSecurity, a popular WAF tool for protecting websites from cyber attacks. We also certified support for the "ROSA Chrome" system and released packages for it.

Finally, we recently opened the source code for Console Light, and with this release, we updated the console to version 1.2.0.