Site Usage Rules#

The Site Administrator provides the opportunity to use the Site in accordance with the terms of these rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules").

We inform you that access to the Site and its use in any way is possible only if you comply with the conditions specified below. In case of disagreement with these Rules, please cease using the Site. These Rules constitute a public offer based on paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and define the terms of use of the Site, as well as the rights and obligations of the User and the Administrator. By using the Site in any way, including browsing the Site on the Internet, you confirm your acquaintance and agreement with these Rules without any exceptions.

  1. Terms and Definitions.

1.1. Site - a set of programs for computer devices and other information, contained in an information system, access to which is provided through the Internet by domain names and/or network addresses, allowing the identification of such sites. A site page on the Internet - a part of the Site, access to which is carried out by a pointer consisting of a domain name and symbols defined by the Site owner on the Internet. Sites are located on the Internet at the following addresses:,, and all together are also referred to in these Rules as the Site.

1.2. Site Administrator (Administrator) - Limited Liability Company "Web Server" (OGRN: 1227700436578; INN: 9704151517).

1.3. Administrator's Partner (Partner) - person(s) providing independent services based on separate agreements concluded between the Partner and the User. Rights and obligations under such agreements arise directly between the User and the Partner; the Administrator is not a party to the aforementioned agreements, only placing information about the Partner and/or their site on the Administrator's Site, including by providing hyperlinks to the Partner's sites. The specified sites are not verified by the Administrator for compliance with any requirements (accuracy, legality, etc.). The Administrator is not responsible for any information posted on third-party sites that the User accesses with the use of the Site, as well as for the availability of such sites or content and the consequences of their use by the User. A link (in any form) to any site advertising/describing any product, service, is not an endorsement or recommendation of these products and/or services by the Administrator, except in cases where this is explicitly indicated on the Site.

1.4. User (You) - a person using the Site in any way, including by visiting the Site through the Internet.

  1. User and Administrator Rights and Responsibilities:

2.1. By using the Site, the User agrees to:

2.1.1. comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules;

2.1.2. not use software and not take actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Site, including not using malicious software to introduce harmful computer programs or any other similar pieces of code that are harmful and/or can cause technological damage to the Administrator's equipment and/or third parties;

2.1.3. not upload, publish, email, or otherwise transmit any unwanted or unauthorized advertisements, promotional materials, such as "spam," and similar types of mailings;

2.1.4. not use the Site to harm or attempt to harm minors in any way;

2.1.5. not use the Site for reverse engineering, decompilation, disassembly, modification, and any attempts to disclose the source code of the Site's software components and/or create derivative works based on it;

2.1.6. not use the Site to publish, email (if the Site provides such a technical possibility), or transmit in any other way any content aimed at provoking behavior that is illegal, harassing, defamatory, infringing on the privacy, or inciting discrimination based on gender, race, and ethical grounds;

2.1.7. not use the Site to impersonate any other person or to distort affiliation to a physical or legal person in cases where such identification is required or provided for by applicable law;

2.1.8. not use the Site to publish, email (if the Site provides such a technical possibility), or transmit in any other way any content that violates the personal non-property and property rights of third parties to their intellectual property, including infringing on rights to any patent, trademark, trade secret, production secret, or any other intellectual property of third parties;

2.1.9. not use the Site to collect and store personal data of other users without their prior consent to such collection and storage of personal data.

2.1.10. not use the Site to publish, email (if the Site provides such a technical possibility), or transmit in any other way any content that contains information about the manufacture of weapons, explosives, contains elements (or is propaganda) of pornography, child erotica, represents advertising of the manufacture, use, or other use of narcotic substances or their analogs;

2.1.11. not use the Site to offer goods or services, the information about which is posted on the Site, on behalf of oneself, not use the Site to offer commercial products or services to third parties or for other commercial purposes unless direct permission has been obtained from the Administrator.

2.2. The Site User has the right to:

  • use the Site on the terms and in accordance with these Rules;

  • submit inquiries and claims to the Administrator at the email address:

2.3. The Site Administrator has the right to:

2.3.1. manage the Site, determine its structure, design, restrict access to the Site and/or its individual parts (pages);

2.3.2. place advertisements on the Site, conduct advertising mailings upon receiving the User's consent to receive such mailings;

2.3.3. change or delete any information published by the User on the Site at any time for any reason without prior notice to the User if such information violates the legal rights and interests of third parties, the Rules, and/or other documents of the Administrator accepted by the User (if any); or in the case of the Administrator receiving a court order, an act of a government body establishing the obligation of the Administrator to remove such information from the Site.

  1. Disclaimer of Administrator and Partners' Liability:

3.1. The Site, including all software and other objects used, stored, and/or deployed through the functional capabilities of the Site, as well as the content and/or any information posted on the Site, are provided on an "AS IS" basis. Under no circumstances shall the Administrator and/or Partners of the Administrator be liable to the User or any third parties for any losses, regardless of the reasons for their occurrence (including, but not limited to, incidental or indirect damages, losses related to lost profits, disruption of commercial or production activities, loss of business information, or any other losses) arising from the use or inability to use the Site. The Site Administrator and Partners do not guarantee that the Site, services provided by the Administrator's Partners, will be provided continuously and without errors, and that the quality of any service and/or content posted on the Site will meet your goals and expectations.

3.2. The Site Administrator reserves the right to terminate access to the Site at any time and also reserves the right to provide the functionality and functional capabilities of the Site in a limited mode.

3.3. The Site Administrator is not responsible for the actions of the User, as well as for the services of third parties and/or Partners of the Administrator available on the Site. Services of Partners and third parties are available under the terms of the relevant agreements concluded between the User and the respective third party and/or Partner of the Administrator. All disputes regarding the provision of such services, including claims about their security and compliance of services with the expectations and goals of the User, are resolved between the User and the respective third party and/or Partner of the Administrator independently, without involving the Administrator. The Administrator is not responsible for the incorrect functioning or non-functioning of such services, or for the User not achieving the expected results from using such services if they are implemented through the functional capabilities of the Site.

3.4. The User is fully responsible for any actions performed by them on the Site, as well as for any information and data they upload to the Site, any User content uploaded by them to the Site or otherwise made known to other Users on the Site. The User undertakes to resolve claims of third parties related to the unlawful placement of their content independently.

3.5. The Site Administrator does not control the content of User's content posted by the User on the Site and does not initiate the upload of User's content to the Site. The User bears personal responsibility for any User content or other information they post on the Site or through it. In case of claims to the Administrator about violations of the rights of third parties, as well as upon receiving relevant requests from authorized government bodies regarding violations of the law in connection with the placement, use, or transfer of User content and/or in the event of corresponding risks, the Site Administrator has the right to delete the relevant content and/or information posted by the User on the Site without warning the User about such actions.

3.6. Visiting third-party sites, installing any computer programs, using the services of Partners and/or third parties is done by the User at their own risk and under their own responsibility.

3.7. The Administrator is responsible for the advertising placed by them on the Site (if any on the Site, on the corresponding page of the Site) within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.8. In any case, the liability of the Site Administrator is limited to 1,000 (one thousand) rubles and is imposed on them exclusively in the presence of guilt in their actions.

  1. Intellectual Property.

4.1. All objects of intellectual property placed on the Site by the Administrator (design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, sounds, and any other results of intellectual activity) are intellectual property for which the Administrator is either the right holder or uses such intellectual property on another legal basis. Any use of intellectual property without the prior written consent of the Administrator is not allowed, with an exception to this rule stated in clause 4.2 of the Rules.

4.2. The use of content by the Administrator posted on the Site is possible under the following conditions: by way of quotation and provided an active hyperlink to the Site.

4.3. By placing and/or displaying content on the Site (if the User has such technical capability), the User assures and guarantees that they have exclusive rights to the mentioned content (or the right to use the content is granted to them by the right holder of the corresponding content on a legal basis); the User's placement of such content will not violate the legal rights and interests of third parties, including the rights of third parties to their intellectual property.

4.4. By starting to use the Site in any way, the User agrees for the entire duration of the Rules and without payment of any compensation for the use of means of user identification, including their trademarks, trade names, and commercial designations, for use in the Administrator's advertising and other materials, media, solely for the purpose of informing third parties that the User is a client/Partner of the Administrator.

  1. Intellectual Property.

4.1. All objects of intellectual property placed on the Site by the Administrator (design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, sounds, and any other results of intellectual activity) are intellectual property for which the Administrator is either the right holder or uses such intellectual property on another legal basis. Any use of intellectual property without the prior written consent of the Administrator is not allowed, with an exception to this rule stated in clause 4.2 of the Rules.

4.2. The use of content by the Administrator posted on the Site is possible under the following conditions: by way of quotation and provided an active hyperlink to the Site.

4.3. By placing and/or displaying content on the Site (if the User has such technical capability), the User assures and guarantees that they have exclusive rights to the mentioned content (or the right to use the content is granted to them by the right holder of the corresponding content on a legal basis); the User's placement of such content will not violate the legal rights and interests of third parties, including the rights of third parties to their intellectual property.

4.4. By starting to use the Site in any way, the User agrees for the entire duration of the Rules and without payment of any compensation for the use of means of user identification, including their trademarks, trade names, and commercial designations, for use in the Administrator's advertising and other materials, media, solely for the purpose of informing third parties that the User is a client/Partner of the Administrator.

  1. Other Provisions.

5.1. The Site Administrator has the right to make changes to these Rules. The changes will be published on the Internet at: The changes will apply, including to those individuals who are Site Users at the time the changes come into effect. The new version of the Rules comes into effect from the moment of their publication on the Internet at the above-mentioned address. Continued use of the Site in any way, including browsing it, after the Rule changes implies the User's acceptance of such changes.

5.2. The Rules are governed and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Matters not regulated by the Rules are subject to resolution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. All disputes arising from legal relationships regulated by these Rules are resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to reach an agreement, they are submitted for consideration to the Arbitration Court of Moscow.

5.4. The Rules come into effect for the User from the moment of their accession, as defined in the preamble of the Rules, and are valid indefinitely.

5.5. The Rules may be amended or terminated by the Administrator unilaterally without prior notice to the User and without payment of any compensation in connection with this.

5.6. Relations between the parties arising from these Rules, due to their gratuitous nature, are not subject to the provisions of consumer protection legislation.

5.7. The absence of claims from the Administrator in the event of the User's violation of the Rules does not constitute a waiver of them, nor does it deprive the Administrator of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests.

5.8. The Rules are published on the Internet at:

Web Server LLC.

Address: 119021, Russia, Moscow, Lva Tolstogo, bld. 14, 1 floor, apt. 2.

Tel.: +7 495 120 50 33.

Email: .

Publication date: 13.12.2023.