The module is a filter that modifies a response by replacing one specified string by another.
When building from the source code,
this module isn't built by default;
it should be enabled with the
build option.
In packages and images from our repos,
the module is included in the build. Sets a string to replace and a replacement string. The string to replace is matched ignoring the case. The string to replace and replacement string can contain variables. Several sub_filter directives can be specified on the same configuration level. These directives are inherited from the previous configuration level if and only if there are no sub_filter directives defined on the current level. Default http, server, location Allows preserving the "Last-Modified" header field from the original response during replacement to facilitate response caching. By default, the header field is removed as contents of the response are modified during processing. Indicates whether to look for each string to replace once or repeatedly. Default http, server, location Enables string replacement in responses with the specified MIME types in addition to "text/html". The special value "*" matches any MIME type.Configuration Example#
location / {
sub_filter '<a href="' '<a href="https://$host/';
sub_filter '<img src="' '<img src="https://$host/';
sub_filter_once on;
| off
;sub_filter_last_modified off;
mime-type ...;sub_filter_types text/html;