The module provides HTTP RESTful interface for accessing in JSON format basic information about a web server instance, as well as metrics of client connections, shared memory zones, DNS queries, HTTP requests, HTTP responses cache, TCP/UDP sessions of Stream Module, and zones of Limit Conn, Limit Conn, Limit Req and Upstream modules.

The API accepts GET and HEAD HTTP requests; other request methods cause an error:

    "error": "MethodNotAllowed",
    "description": "The POST method is not allowed for the requested API element \"/\"."

The Angie PRO API has a dynamic configuration that allows updating the settings without reloading the configuration or restarting Angie itself; currently, it enables configuring individual peers in an upstream.




api path;




Enables HTTP RESTful interface in location.

path parameter is mandatory and works similar to the alias directive, but operates over API tree, rather than filesystem hierarchy.

When specified in a prefix location:

location /stats/ {
    api /status/http/server_zones/;

the part of request URI matching particular prefix location /stats/ will be replaced by the path /status/http/server_zones/ in the directive parameter. For example, on a request of /stats/foo/ the /status/http/server_zones/foo/ API element will be accessed.

Also it's possible to use variables: api /status/$module/server_zones/$name/ and the directive can also be specified inside a regexp location:

location ~^/api/([^/]+)/(.*)$ {
    api /status/http/$1_zones/$2;

here, similar to alias, parameter defines the whole path to the API element. E.g., from /api/location/bar/data/ the following positional variables will be populated:

$1 = "location"
$2 = "bar/data/"

which results after interpolation in /status/http/location_zones/bar/data API request.


In Angie PRO, you can decouple the dynamic configuration API from the immutable metrics API that reflects current state:

location /config/ {
    api /config/;

location /status/ {
    api /status/;

Overall, it serves for precise configuration of API access rights, e.g.:

location /status/ {
    api /status/;

    deny  all;


location /blog/requests/ {
    api /status/http/server_zones/blog/requests/;

    auth_basic           "blog";
    auth_basic_user_file conf/htpasswd;



api_config_files on | off;





Enables or disables the config_files object, which enumerates the contents of all Angie config files that are currently loaded by the server instance, in the /status/angie/ API section. For example, with this configuration:

location /status/ {
    api /status/;
    api_config_files on;

A query to /status/angie/ returns approximately this:

    "config_files": {
        "/etc/angie/angie.conf": "...",
        "/etc/angie/mime.types": "..."

By default, the object is disabled because the config files can contain extra sensitive, confidential details.


Angie exposes usage metrics in the /status/ section of the API; you can make it accessible by defining a respective location. Full access:

location /status/ {
    api /status/;

Subtree access, already discussed earlier:

location /stats/ {
    api /status/http/server_zones/;

Example configuration#

Configured with location /status/, resolver, http upstream, http server, location, cache, limit_conn in http and limit_req zones:

http {

    resolver status_zone=resolver_zone;
    proxy_cache_path /var/cache/angie/cache keys_zone=cache_zone:2m;
    limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=limit_conn_zone:10m;
    limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=limit_req_zone:10m rate=1r/s;

    upstream upstream {
        zone upstream 256k;
        server backend.example.com service=_example._tcp resolve max_conns=5;
       keepalive 4;

    server {
        server_name www.example.com;
        listen 443 ssl;

        status_zone http_server_zone;
        proxy_cache cache_zone;

        access_log /var/log/access.log main;

        location / {
            root /usr/share/angie/html;
            status_zone location_zone;
            limit_conn limit_conn_zone 1;
            limit_req zone=limit_req_zone burst=5;
        location /status/ {
            api /status/;

            deny all;


Responds to curl https://www.example.com/status/ with the following JSON:

JSON tree
    "angie": {

    "connections": {

    "slabs": {
        "cache_zone": {
            "pages": {

            "slots": {
                "64": {

                "512": {

        "limit_conn_zone": {
            "pages": {

            "slots": {
                "64": {

                "128": {

        "limit_req_zone": {
            "pages": {

            "slots": {
                "64": {

                "128": {

    "http": {
        "server_zones": {
            "http_server_zone": {
                "ssl": {

                "requests": {

                "responses": {

                "data": {

        "location_zones": {
            "location_zone": {
                "requests": {

                "responses": {

                "data": {
        "caches": {
            "cache_zone": {
                "hit": {

                "stale": {

                "updating": {

                "revalidated": {

                "miss": {

                "expired": {

                "bypass": {

        "limit_conns": {
            "limit_conn_zone": {

        "limit_reqs": {
            "limit_req_zone": {

        "upstreams": {
            "upstream": {
                "peers": {
                    "": {
                        "selected": {

                        "responses": {

                        "data": {

                        "health": {



    "resolvers": {
        "resolver_zone": {
            "queries": {

            "responses": {

Each JSON branch can be requested separately with the request constructed accordingly, e.g.:

$ curl https://www.example.com/status/angie
$ curl https://www.example.com/status/connections
$ curl https://www.example.com/status/slabs
$ curl https://www.example.com/status/slabs/<zone>/slots
$ curl https://www.example.com/status/slabs/<zone>/slots/64
$ curl https://www.example.com/status/http/
$ curl https://www.example.com/status/http/server_zones
$ curl https://www.example.com/status/http/server_zones/<http_server_zone>
$ curl https://www.example.com/status/http/server_zones/<http_server_zone>/ssl


By default, the module uses ISO 8601 strings for date values; to use the integer epoch format instead, add the date=epoch parameter to the query string:

$ curl https://www.example.com/status/angie/load_time


$ curl https://www.example.com/status/angie/load_time?date=epoch


Server status#


    "version": "1.7.0",
    "address": "",
    "generation": 1,
    "load_time": "2024-09-19T16:15:43.805Z"
    "config_files": {
        "/etc/angie/angie.conf": "...",
        "/etc/angie/mime.types": "..."


String; version of the running Angie web server


String; particular build name when it specified during compilation


String; the address of the server that accepted API request


Number; total number of configuration reloads since last start


String or number; time of the last configuration reload, formatted as a date; strings have millisecond resolution


Object; its members are absolute pathnames of all Angie configuration files that are currently loaded by the server instance, and their values are string representations of the files' contents, for example:

    "/etc/angie/angie.conf": "server {\n  listen 80;\n  # ...\n\n}\n"


The config_files object is available in /status/angie/ only if the api_config_files directive is enabled.

Connections global metrics#


  "accepted": 2257,
  "dropped": 0,
  "active": 3,
  "idle": 1


Number; the total number of accepted client connections


Number; the total number of dropped client connections


Number; the current number of active client connections


Number; the current number of idle client connections

Slab allocator metrics of shared memory zones#


Usage statistics of shared memory zones that utilize slab allocation, such as limit_conn, limit_req, and HTTP cache:

limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=limit_conn_zone:10m;
limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=limit_req_zone:10m rate=1r/s;
proxy_cache cache_zone;

The specified shared memory zone will collect the following statistics:


Object; memory pages statistics


Number; the number of currently used memory pages


Number; the number of currently free memory pages


Object; memory slots statistics for each slot size. The slots object contains fields for requested memory slot sizes (e.g. 8, 16, 32, etc., up to half of the page size)


Number; the number of currently used memory slots of specified size


Number; the number of currently free memory slots of specified size


Number; the total number of attempts to allocate memory slot of specified size


Number; the number of unsuccessful attempts to allocate memory slot of specified size


  "pages": {
    "used": 2,
    "free": 506

  "slots": {
    "64": {
      "used": 1,
      "free": 63,
      "reqs": 1,
      "fails": 0

Resolver DNS queries#


To collect resolver statistics, the resolver directive must set the status_zone parameter (HTTP and Stream):

resolver status_zone=resolver_zone;

The specified shared memory zone will collect the following statistics:


Object; queries statistics


Number; the number of queries to resolve names to addresses (A and AAAA queries)


Number; the number of queries to resolve services to addresses (SRV queries)


Number; the number of queries to resolve addresses to names (PTR queries)


Object; responses statistics


Number; the number of successful responses


Number; the number of timed out queries


Number; the number responses with code 1 (Format Error)


Number; the number responses with code 2 (Server Failure)


Number; the number responses with code 3 (Name Error)


Number; the number responses with code 4 (Not Implemented)


Number; the number responses with code 5 (Refused)


Number; the number of queries completed with other non-zero code


Object; sent DNS queries statistics


Number; the number of A type queries


Number; the number of AAAA type queries


Number; the number of PTR type queries


Number; the number of SRV type queries

The response codes are described in RFC 1035, section 4.1.1.

Various DNS record types are detailed in RFC 1035, RFC 2782, and RFC 3596.


  "queries": {
    "name": 442,
    "srv": 2,
    "addr": 0

  "responses": {
    "success": 440,
    "timedout": 1,
    "format_error": 0,
    "server_failure": 1,
    "not_found": 1,
    "unimplemented": 0,
    "refused": 1,
    "other": 0

  "sent": {
    "a": 185,
    "aaaa": 245,
    "srv": 2,
    "ptr": 12

HTTP server and location#


To collect the server metrics, set the status_zone directive in the server context:

server {
    status_zone server_zone;

The specified shared memory zone will collect the following statistics:


Object; SSL statistics. Present if server sets listen ssl;


Number; the total number of successful SSL handshakes


Number; the total number of session reuses during SSL handshake


Number; the total number of timed out SSL handshakes


Number; the total number of failed SSL handshakes


Object; requests statistics


Number; the total number of client requests


Number; the number of currently being processed client requests


Number; the total number of client requests completed without sending a response


Object; responses statistics


Number; a non-zero number of responses with status <code> (100-599)


Number; a non-zero number of responses with other status codes


Object; data statistics


Number; the total number of bytes received from clients


Number; the total number of bytes sent to clients


"ssl": {
  "handshaked": 4174,
  "reuses": 0,
  "timedout": 0,
  "failed": 0

"requests": {
  "total": 4327,
  "processing": 0,
  "discarded": 0

"responses": {
  "200": 4305,
  "302": 6,
  "304": 12,
  "404": 4

"data": {
  "received": 733955,
  "sent": 59207757


To collect the location metrics, set the status_zone directive in the context of location or if in location:

location / {
    root /usr/share/angie/html;
    status_zone location_zone;

    if ($request_uri ~* "^/condition") {
        # ...
        status_zone if_location_zone;

The specified shared memory zone will collect the following statistics:


Object; requests statistics


Number; the total number of client requests


Number; the total number of client requests completed without sending a response


Object; responses statistics


Number; a non-zero number of responses with status <code> (100-599)


Number; a non-zero number of responses with other status codes


Object; data statistics


Number; the total number of bytes received from clients


Number; the total number of bytes sent to clients


  "requests": {
    "total": 4158,
    "discarded": 0

  "responses": {
    "200": 4157,
    "304": 1

  "data": {
    "received": 538200,
    "sent": 177606236

Stream server#


To collect the server metrics, set the status_zone directive in the server context:

server {
    status_zone server_zone;

The specified shared memory zone will collect the following statistics:


Object; SSL statistics. Present if server sets listen ssl;


Number; the total number of successful SSL handshakes


Number; the total number of session reuses during SSL handshake


Number; the total number of timed out SSL handshakes


Number; the total number of failed SSL handshakes


Object; connections statistics


Number; the total number of client connections


Number; the number of currently being processed client connections


Number; the total number of client connections completed without creating a session


Number; the total number of client connections relayed to another listening port with pass directives


Object; sessions statistics


Number; the number of sessions completed with code 200, which means successful completion


Number; the number of sessions completed with code 400, which happens when client data could not be parsed, e.g. the PROXY protocol header


Number; the number of sessions completed with code 403, when access was forbidden, for example, when access is limited for certain client addresses


Number; the number of sessions completed with code 500, the internal server error


Number; the number of sessions completed with code 502, bad gateway, for example, if an upstream server could not be selected or reached


Number; the number of sessions completed with code 503, service unavailable, for example, when access is limited by the number of connections


Object; data statistics


Number; the total number of bytes received from clients


Number; the total number of bytes sent to clients


  "ssl": {
    "handshaked": 24,
    "reuses": 0,
    "timedout": 0,
    "failed": 0

  "connections": {
    "total": 24,
    "processing": 1,
    "discarded": 0,
    "passed": 2

  "sessions": {
    "success": 24,
    "invalid": 0,
    "forbidden": 0,
    "internal_error": 0,
    "bad_gateway": 0,
    "service_unavailable": 0

  "data": {
    "received": 2762947,
    "sent": 53495723

HTTP caches#

proxy_cache cache_zone;


For each zone configured with proxy_cache, the following data is stored:

  "name_zone": {
    "size": 0,
    "cold": false,
    "hit": {
      "responses": 0,
      "bytes": 0

    "stale": {
      "responses": 0,
      "bytes": 0

    "updating": {
      "responses": 0,
      "bytes": 0

    "revalidated": {
      "responses": 0,
      "bytes": 0

    "miss": {
      "responses": 0,
      "bytes": 0,
      "responses_written": 0,
      "bytes_written": 0

    "expired": {
      "responses": 0,
      "bytes": 0,
      "responses_written": 0,
      "bytes_written": 0

    "bypass": {
      "responses": 0,
      "bytes": 0,
      "responses_written": 0,
      "bytes_written": 0


Number; the current size of the cache


Number; configured limit on the maximum size of the cache


Boolean; true while the cache loader loads data from disk


Object; statistics of valid cached responses (proxy_cache_valid)


Number; the total number of responses read from the cache


Number; the total number of bytes read from the cache


Object; statistics of expired responses taken from the cache (proxy_cache_use_stale)


Number; the total number of responses read from the cache


Number; the total number of bytes read from the cache


Object; statistics of expired responses taken from the cache while responses were being updated (proxy_cache_use_stale updating)


Number; the total number of responses read from the cache


Number; the total number of bytes read from the cache


Object; statistics of expired and revalidated responses taken from the cache (proxy_cache_revalidate)


Number; the total number of responses read from the cache


Number; the total number of bytes read from the cache


Object; statistics of responses not found in the cache


Number; the total number of corresponding responses


Number; the total number of bytes read from the proxied server


Number; the total number of responses written to the cache


Number; the total number of bytes written to the cache


Object; statistics of expired responses not taken from the cache


Number; the total number of corresponding responses


Number; the total number of bytes read from the proxied server


Number; the total number of responses written to the cache


Number; the total number of bytes written to the cache


Object; statistics of responses not looked up in the cache (proxy_cache_bypass)


Number; the total number of corresponding responses


Number; the total number of bytes read from the proxied server


Number; the total number of responses written to the cache


Number; the total number of bytes written to the cache

Added in version 1.2.0: PRO

In Angie PRO, if cache sharding is enabled with proxy_cache_path directives, individual shards are exposed as object members of a shards object:


Object; lists individual shards as members


Object; represents an individual shard with its cache path for name


Number; the shard's current size


Number; maximum shard size, if configured


Boolean; true while the cache loader loads data from disk

  "name_zone": {
    "shards": {
        "/path/to/shard1": {
            "size": 0,
            "cold": false

        "/path/to/shard2": {
            "size": 0,
            "cold": false


limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=limit_conn_zone:10m;

/status/http/limit_conns/<zone>, /status/stream/limit_conns/<zone>#

Objects for each configured limit_conn in http or limit_conn in stream contexts with the following fields

  "passed": 73,
  "skipped": 0,
  "rejected": 0,
  "exhausted": 0


Number; the total number of passed connections


Number; the total number of connections passed with zero-length key, or key exceeding 255 bytes


Number; the total number of connections exceeding the configured limit


Number; the total number of connections rejected due to exhaustion of zone storage


limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=limit_req_zone:10m rate=1r/s;


Objects for each configured limit_req with the following fields

  "passed": 54816,
  "skipped": 0,
  "delayed": 65,
  "rejected": 26,
  "exhausted": 0


Number; the total number of passed connections


Number; the total number of requests passed with zero-length key, or key exceeding 65535 bytes


Number; the total number of delayed requests


Number; the total number of rejected requests


Number; the total number of requests rejected due to exhaustion of zone storage

HTTP upstream#

Added in version 1.1.0.

To enable collection of the following metrics, set the zone directive in the upstream context, for instance:

upstream upstream {
    zone upstream 256k;
    server backend.example.com service=_example._tcp resolve max_conns=5;
    keepalive 4;


where <upstream> is the name of any upstream specified with the zone directive

    "peers": {
        "": {
            "server": "backend.example.com",
            "service": "_example._tcp",
            "backup": false,
            "weight": 5,
            "state": "up",
            "selected": {
                "current": 2,
                "total": 232

            "max_conns": 5,
            "responses": {
                "200": 222,
                "302": 12

            "data": {
                "sent": 543866,
                "received": 27349934

            "health": {
                "fails": 0,
                "unavailable": 0,
                "downtime": 0

            "sid": "<server_id>"

    "keepalive": 2


Object; contains the metrics of the upstream's peers as subobjects whose names are canonical representations of the peers' addresses. Members of each subobject:


String; the parameter of the server directive


String; name of service as it's specified in server directie, if configured

    (PRO 1.4.0+)

Number; the specified slow_start value for the server, expressed in seconds.

When setting the value via the respective subsection of the dynamic configuration API, you can specify either a number or a time value with millisecond precision.


Boolean; true for backup servers


Number; configured weight


String; current state of the peer:

  • checking (PRO): set to essential, being checked now, only probe requests are sent

  • down: disabled manually, no requests are sent

  • draining (PRO): similar to down, but requests from sessions that were earlier bound using sticky are still sent

  • recovering: recovering after failure according to slow_start, more requests are sent gradually

  • unavailable: reached the max_fails limit, a client request is attempted at fail_timeout intervals

  • unhealthy (PRO): not functioning properly, only probe requests are sent

  • up: operational, requests are sent as usual


Object; peer selection statistics


Number; the current number of connections to peer


Number; total number of requests forwarded to peer


String or number; time when peer was last selected, formatted as a date


Number; the configured maximum number of simultaneous connections, if specified


Object; responses statistics


Number; a non-zero number of responses with status <code> (100-599)


Number; a non-zero number of responses with other status codes


Object; data statistics


Number; the total number of bytes received from peer


Number; the total number of bytes sent to peer


Object; health statistics


Number; the total number of unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the peer


Number; how many times peer became unavailable due to reaching the max_fails limit


Number; the total time (in milliseconds) when peer was unavailable for selection


String or number; time when peer became unavailable, formatted as a date

        (PRO 1.3.0+)

Number; average time (in milliseconds) to receive the response headers from the peer; see response_time_factor (PRO)

        (PRO 1.3.0+)

Number; average time (in milliseconds) to receive the entire peer response; see response_time_factor (PRO)


String; configured id of the server in upstream group


Number; the number of currently cached connections

health/probes (PRO)#

Changed in version 1.2.0: PRO

If the upstream has upstream_probe (PRO) probes configured, the health object also has a probes subobject that stores the peer's health probe counters, while the peer's state can also be checking and unhealthy, apart from the values listed in the table above:

    "": {
        "state": "unhealthy",
        "...": "...",
        "health": {
            "...": "...",
            "probes": {
                "count": 10,
                "fails": 10,
                "last": "2024-09-19T09:56:07Z"

The checking value of state isn't counted as downtime and means that the peer, which has a probe configured as essential, hasn't been checked yet; the unhealthy value means that the peer is malfunctioning. Both states also imply that the peer isn't included in load balancing. For details of health probes, see upstream_probe.

Counters in probes:


Number; total probes for this peer


Number; total failed probes


String or number; last probe time, formatted as a date


Changed in version 1.4.0.

If a request queue is configured for the upstream, the upstream object also contains a nested queue object, which holds counters for requests in the queue:

    "queue": {
        "queued": 20112,
        "waiting": 1011,
        "dropped": 6031,
        "timedout": 560,
        "overflows": 13

The counter values are aggregated across all worker processes:


Number; total count of requests that entered the queue


Number; current count of requests in the queue


Number; total count of requests removed from the queue due to the client prematurely closing the connection


Number; total count of requests removed from the queue due to timeout


Number; total count of queue overflow occurrences

Stream upstream#

To enable collection of the following metrics, set the zone directive in the upstream context, for instance:

upstream upstream {
    zone upstream 256k;
    server backend.example.com service=_example._tcp resolve max_conns=5;
    keepalive 4;


Here, <upstream> is the name of an upstream that is configured with a zone directive.

    "peers": {
        "": {
            "server": "backend.example.com",
            "service": "_example._tcp",
            "backup": false,
            "weight": 5,
            "state": "up",
            "selected": {
                "current": 2,
                "total": 232

            "max_conns": 5,
            "data": {
                "sent": 543866,
                "received": 27349934

            "health": {
                "fails": 0,
                "unavailable": 0,
                "downtime": 0


Object; contains the metrics of the upstream's peers as subobjects whose names are canonical representations of the peers' addresses. Members of each subobject:


String; address set by the server directive


String; service name, if set by server directive

    (PRO 1.4.0+)

Number; the specified slow_start value for the server, expressed in seconds.

When setting the value via the respective subsection of the dynamic configuration API, you can specify either a number or a time value with millisecond precision.


Boolean; true for backup server


Number; the weight of the peer


String; current state of the peer:

  • up: operational, requests are sent as usual

  • down: disabled manually, no requests are sent

  • draining (PRO): similar to down, but requests from sessions that were earlier bound using sticky are still sent

  • unavailable: reached the max_fails limit, a client request is attempted at fail_timeout intervals

  • recovering: recovering after failure according to slow_start, more requests are sent gradually

  • checking (PRO): set to essential, being checked now, only probe requests are sent

  • unhealthy (PRO): not functioning properly, only probe requests are sent


Object; the peer's selection metrics


Number; current connections to the peer


Number; total connections forwarded to the peer


String or number; time when the peer was last selected, formatted as a date


Number; maximum number of simultaneous active connections to the peer, if set


Object; data transfer metrics


Number; total bytes received from the peer


Number; total bytes sent to the peer


Object; peer health metrics


Number; total failed attempts to reach the peer


Number; times the peer became unavailable due to reaching the max_fails


Number; total time (in milliseconds) that the peer was unavailable for selection


String or number; time when the peer last became unavailable, formatted as a date

        (PRO 1.4.0+)

Number; average time (in milliseconds) taken to establish a connection with the peer; see the response_time_factor (PRO) directive.

        (PRO 1.4.0+)

Number; average time (in milliseconds) to receive the first byte of the response from the peer; see the response_time_factor (PRO) directive.

        (PRO 1.4.0+)

Number; average time (in milliseconds) to receive the complete response from the peer; see the response_time_factor (PRO) directive.

Changed in version 1.4.0: PRO

In Angie PRO, if the upstream has upstream_probe (PRO) probes configured, the health object also has a probes subobject that stores the peer's health probe counters, while the peer's state can also be checking and unhealthy, apart from the values listed in the table above:

    "": {
        "state": "unhealthy",
        "...": "...",
        "health": {
            "...": "...",
            "probes": {
                "count": 2,
                "fails": 2,
                "last": "2024-09-19T11:03:54Z"

The checking value of state isn't counted as downtime and means that the peer, which has a probe configured as essential, hasn't been checked yet; the unhealthy value means that the peer is malfunctioning. Both states also imply that the peer isn't included in load balancing. For details of health probes, see upstream_probe.

Counters in probes:


Number; total probes for this peer


Number; total failed probes


String or number; last probe time, formatted as a date

Dynamic Configuration API (PRO only)#

Added in version 1.2.0.

The API includes a /config section that enables dynamic updates to Angie's configuration in JSON with PUT, PATCH, and DELETE HTTP requests. All updates are atomic; new settings are applied as a whole, or none are applied at all. On error, Angie reports the reason.

Subsections of /config#

Currently, configuration of individual servers within upstreams is available in the /config section for the HTTP and stream modules; the number of settings eligible for dynamic configuration is steadily increasing.


Enables configuring individual upstream peers, including deleting existing peers or adding new ones.

URI path parameters:


Name of the upstream; to be configurable via /config, it must have a zone directive configured, defining a shared memory zone.


The peer's name within the upstream, defined as <service>@<host>, where:

  • <service>@ is an optional service name, used for SRV record resolution.

  • <host> is the domain name of the service (if resolve is present) or its IP; an optional port can be defined here.

For example, the following configuration:

upstream backend {
    server backend.example.com:8080 service=_http._tcp resolve;
    zone backend 1m;

Allows the following peer names:

$ curl
$ curl

This API subsection enables setting the weight, max_conns, max_fails, fail_timeout, backup, down and sid parameters, as described in server.


There is no separate drain option here; to enable drain, set down to the string value drain:

$ curl -X PUT -d "drain" \


    "weight": 1,
    "max_conns": 0,
    "max_fails": 1,
    "fail_timeout": 10,
    "backup": true,
    "down": false,
    "sid": ""

Actually available parameters are limited to the ones supported by the current load balancing method of the upstream. So, if the upstream is configured as random:

upstream backend {
    zone backend 256k;
    server backend.example.com resolve max_conns=5;

You will be unable to add a new peer that defines backup:

$ curl -X PUT -d '{ "backup": true }' \
    "error": "FormatError",
    "description": "The \"backup\" field is unknown."


Even with a compatible load balancing method, the backup parameter can only be set at new peer creation.

When deleting servers, you can set the connection_drop=<value> argument (PRO) to override the proxy_connection_drop, grpc_connection_drop, fastcgi_connection_drop, scgi_connection_drop, and uwsgi_connection_drop settings:

$ curl -X DELETE \

$ curl -X DELETE \

$ curl -X DELETE \


Enables configuring individual upstream peers, including deleting existing peers or adding new ones.

URI path parameters:


Name of the upstream; to be configurable via /config, it must have a zone directive configured, defining a shared memory zone.


The peer's name within the upstream, defined as <service>@<host>, where:

  • <service>@ is an optional service name, used for SRV record resolution.

  • <host> is the domain name of the service (if resolve is present) or its IP; an optional port can be defined here.

For example, the following configuration:

upstream backend {
    server backend.example.com:8080 service=_example._tcp resolve;
    zone backend 1m;

Allows the following peer names:

$ curl
$ curl

This API subsection enables setting the weight, max_conns, max_fails, fail_timeout, backup and down parameters, as described in server.


There is no separate drain option here; to enable drain, set down to the string value drain:

$ curl -X PUT -d "drain" \


    "weight": 1,
    "max_conns": 0,
    "max_fails": 1,
    "fail_timeout": 10,
    "backup": true,
    "down": false,

Actually available parameters are limited to the ones supported by the current load balancing method of the upstream. So, if the upstream is configured as random:

upstream backend {
    zone backend 256k;
    server backend.example.com resolve max_conns=5;

You will be unable to add a new peer that defines backup:

$ curl -X PUT -d '{ "backup": true }' \
    "error": "FormatError",
    "description": "The \"backup\" field is unknown."


Even with a compatible load balancing method, the backup parameter can only be set at new peer creation.

When deleting servers, you can set the connection_drop=<value> argument (PRO) to override the proxy_connection_drop settings:

$ curl -X DELETE \

$ curl -X DELETE \

$ curl -X DELETE \

HTTP Methods#

Let's consider the semantics of all HTTP methods applicable to this section, given this upstream configuration:

http {
    # ...

    upstream backend {
        zone upstream 256k;
        server backend.example.com resolve max_conns=5;
        # ...

    server {
        # ...

        location /config/ {
            api /config/;

            deny all;


The GET HTTP method queries an entity at any existing path within /config, just as it does for other API sections.

For example, the /config/http/upstreams/backend/servers/ upstream server branch enables these queries:

$ curl
$ curl
$ curl
$ # ...
$ curl

You can obtain default parameter values with defaults=on:

$ curl
    "backend.example.com": {
        "weight": 1,
        "max_conns": 5,
        "max_fails": 1,
        "fail_timeout": 10,
        "backup": false,
        "down": false,
        "sid": ""


The PUT HTTP method creates a new JSON entity at the specified path or entirely replaces an existing one.

For example, to set the max_fails parameter, not specified earlier, of the backend.example.com server within the backend upstream:

$ curl -X PUT -d '2' \
    "success": "Updated",
    "description": "Existing configuration API entity \"/config/http/upstreams/backend/servers/backend.example.com/max_fails\" was updated with replacing."

Verify the changes:

$ curl
    "max_conns": 5,
    "max_fails": 2


The DELETE HTTP method deletes previously defined settings at the specified path; at doing that, it returns to the default values if there are any.

For example, to delete the previously set max_fails parameter of the backend.example.com server within the backend upstream:

$ curl -X DELETE \
    "success": "Reset",
    "description": "Configuration API entity \"/config/http/upstreams/backend/servers/backend.example.com/max_fails\" was reset to default."

Verify the changes using defaults=on:

$ curl
    "weight": 1,
    "max_conns": 5,
    "max_fails": 1,
    "fail_timeout": 10,
    "backup": false,
    "down": false,
    "sid": ""

The max_fails setting is back to its default value.


The PATCH HTTP method creates a new entity at the specified path or partially replaces or complements an existing one (RFC 7386) by supplying a JSON definition in its payload.

The method operates as follows: if the entities from the new definition exist in the configuration, they are overwritten; otherwise, they are added.

For example, to change the down setting of the backend.example.com server within the backend upstream, leaving the rest intact:

$ curl -X PATCH -d '{ "down": true }' \
    "success": "Updated",
    "description": "Existing configuration API entity \"/config/http/upstreams/backend/servers/backend.example.com\" was updated with merging."

Verify the changes:

$ curl
    "max_conns": 5,
    "down": true

The JSON object supplied with the PATCH request was merged with the existing one instead of overwriting it, as would be the case with PUT.

The null values are a corner case; they are used to delete specific configuration items during such merge.


This deletion is identical to DELETE; in particular, it reinstates the default values.

For example, to delete the down setting added earlier and simultaneously update max_conns:

$ curl -X PATCH -d '{ "down": null, "max_conns": 6 }' \
    "success": "Updated",
    "description": "Existing configuration API entity \"/config/http/upstreams/backend/servers/backend.example.com\" was updated with merging."

Verify the changes:

$ curl
    "max_conns": 6

The down parameter, for which a null was supplied, was deleted; max_conns was updated.