ACME Configuration#

The ACME module in Angie enables automatic certificate acquisition using the ACME protocol. The ACME protocol supports various domain verification methods (also called "validation"); this module implements HTTP validation, DNS validation, and hook-based validation through a custom external service.

Configuration Steps#

General steps to enable certificate requests in the configuration:

  • Configure an ACME client in the http block using the acme_client directive, which specifies a unique client name and other parameters. Multiple ACME clients can be configured.

  • Specify the domains for which certificates are requested: A single certificate will be issued for all domain names listed in server_name directives within all server blocks that use acme, pointing to the same ACME client.

  • Set up request handling and ACME callbacks: This is required to verify domain ownership. The setup depends on the chosen domain validation method:




    HTTP Validation

    Requires responding to a specific request (callback) from the ACME server.

    Port 80 must be open on the Angie server.

    Does not support wildcard certificates.

    Allows issuing multi-domain certificates.

    DNS Validation

    Requires handling specific DNS queries (callbacks) from the ACME server.

    Requires the ability to modify DNS records.

    The Angie server must have a port open as specified by the acme_dns_port directive (default is 53).

    Supports issuing both multi-domain and wildcard certificates.

    Hook-Based Validation

    Requires implementing an external service that Angie communicates with.

    Requires an external DNS or HTTP server configured by the external service.

    The requirements for the external DNS or HTTP server match the respective points above.

    Supports issuing both multi-domain and wildcard certificates.

  • Configure SSL using the obtained certificate and key: Certificates and keys are made available as embedded variables that can be used in configuration to populate ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key.

    For SSL setup instructions, refer to SSL Configuration.

Implementation Details#

Client keys and certificates are stored in PEM encoding within subdirectories of the directory specified by the --http-acme-client-path build option:

$ ls /var/lib/angie/acme/example/

  account.key  certificate.pem  private.key

The ACME client requires an account on the CA server, managed using a private key (account.key). If no key exists, it is generated at startup. The client registers the account with the CA server using this key.


If you already have an account key, place it in the client's subdirectory before starting to reuse the account. Alternatively, specify the key using the account_key parameter in acme_client.

The client also uses a separate key (private.key) for Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs). This key is automatically created if needed. At startup, the client requests a certificate by signing and sending a CSR for all domains under its management to the CA server.

The CA server verifies domain ownership using HTTP or DNS validation and issues a certificate, which is saved locally (certificate.pem).

As mentioned earlier, a single certificate covers all domains managed by the same ACME client. The list of all covered names can be found in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field of the certificate. To check this in the terminal:

$ openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -noout -text | grep -A5 "Subject Alternative Name"

When a certificate is about to expire or domain changes occur, the client submits a new CSR, and the CA server re-verifies ownership before issuing a new certificate.

In the configuration, the obtained certificate and its corresponding key are available through the prefix variables $acme_cert_<name> and $acme_cert_key_<name>. Their values are the contents of the respective files, which should be used with the directives ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key:

server {

    listen 443 ssl;

    acme example;

    ssl_certificate $acme_cert_example;
    ssl_certificate_key $acme_cert_key_example;

HTTP Validation#

Validation is handled automatically. The process involves the ACME server, upon receiving a request, retrieving a special file token via HTTP from the address /.well-known/acme-challenge/<TOKEN>. The ACME module intercepts and processes such requests automatically. When the expected response with the correct content is received, the ACME server confirms domain ownership.

Configuration Example#

In this example, the ACME client named example manages the certificates for and (note that wildcards aren't supported with HTTP validation):

http {

    resolver; # Required for the 'acme_client' directive

    acme_client example;

    server {

        listen 80; # May reside in a different 'server' block
        # with a different domain list
        # or even without one

        listen 443 ssl;

        acme example;

        ssl_certificate $acme_cert_example;
        ssl_certificate_key $acme_cert_key_example;

As noted earlier, port 80 must be open to handle HTTP callbacks from ACME. However, as shown in this example, the listen directive for this port can be placed in a separate server block. If no existing block with this directive is present, a new block limited to ACME callbacks can be created:

server {

    listen 80;
    return 444; # No response, connection closed

Why does this work? The module intercepts requests to /.well-known/acme-challenge/<TOKEN> after reading headers but before selecting a virtual server or processing rewrite and location directives. Such intercepted requests are processed if the value of <TOKEN> matches the expected value for the specific callback. No directory access is performed; the module handles the request entirely.

DNS Validation#

Validation is handled automatically. When processing a certificate request, the ACME server performs a special DNS query to the _acme-challenge. subdomain of the domain being verified. Once the expected response is received, the ACME server confirms domain ownership.

The ACME module tracks and processes such requests automatically, provided that your DNS records are configured properly to designate the Angie server as the authoritative name server for the _acme-challenge. subdomain.

For example, to verify the domain using an Angie server at IP address, your domain's DNS configuration should include the following records: 60    IN      NS
    60    IN       A

This configuration delegates DNS resolution for to, ensuring the availability of via its IP address (

This method allows requesting wildcard certificates, e.g. a certificate that will include the entry * in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) section. To explicitly request a certificate for a subdomain, such as, you must separately verify that subdomain using the method described above.


The applicability of this scenario largely depends on the capabilities of your DNS provider; some providers do not allow such configurations.

Configuration Example#

The configuration is generally similar to the example in the previous section. There is no need for HTTP-specific settings; instead, set challenge=dns in the acme_client directive.

In this example, the ACME client named example manages the certificates for and *

http {


    acme_client example

    server {

        server_name *;
        acme example;

        ssl_certificate $acme_cert_example;
        ssl_certificate_key $acme_cert_key_example;

Hook-Based Validation#

Unlike the previous methods, this validation requires additional effort. The ACME server performs a standard HTTP validation or DNS validation, but instead of interacting directly with the Angie server, it communicates with an external service managed by the Angie server using hooks (acme_hook). This service configures a separate DNS or HTTP server where the ACME server sends its requests.

Once the ACME server receives the expected response from the configured DNS or HTTP server, it confirms domain ownership.

The external service is invoked by Angie when it needs to perform certificate renewal under the ACME protocol. Requests and data are proxied to FastCGI, SCGI, or similar servers using directives such as fastcgi_pass, scgi_pass, etc.

The service must return a 2xx status code, which can be sent via the Status header. Any other code is treated as an error, and certificate renewal is halted. Output from the service is ignored.

Configuration Example#

In this example, the ACME client example is configured to use DNS-based validation, indicated by the challenge=dns parameter in the acme_client directive.

A server block applies to all subdomains of (e.g., * and uses the ACME client example to manage certificates, as specified by the acme directive.

A named location block is set up to handle external service calls for DNS validation. The acme_hook directive links the server to the ACME client example. Requests are proxied to a local FastCGI server running on port 9000 using the fastcgi_pass directive. The fastcgi_param directives pass data about the ACME client, hook, challenge type, domain, token, and key authorization to the external service.

acme_client example

server {

    listen 80;

    server_name *;

    acme example;

    ssl_certificate $acme_cert_example;
    ssl_certificate_key $acme_cert_key_example;

    location @acme_hook_location {

        acme_hook example;

        fastcgi_pass localhost:9000;

        fastcgi_param ACME_CLIENT $acme_hook_client;
        fastcgi_param ACME_HOOK $acme_hook_name;
        fastcgi_param ACME_CHALLENGE $acme_hook_challenge;
        fastcgi_param ACME_DOMAIN $acme_hook_domain;
        fastcgi_param ACME_TOKEN $acme_hook_token;
        fastcgi_param ACME_KEYAUTH $acme_hook_keyauth;

        include fastcgi.conf;

The following Perl script demonstrates a simple external FastCGI service:


use strict; use warnings;

use FCGI;

my $socket = FCGI::OpenSocket(":9000", 5);
my $request = FCGI::Request(\*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR, \%ENV, $socket);

while ($request->Accept() >= 0) {
    print "\r\n";

    my $client =    $ENV{ACME_CLIENT};
    my $hook =      $ENV{ACME_HOOK};
    my $challenge = $ENV{ACME_CHALLENGE};
    my $domain =    $ENV{ACME_DOMAIN};
    my $token =     $ENV{ACME_TOKEN};
    my $keyauth =   $ENV{ACME_KEYAUTH};

    if ($hook eq 'add') {

        DNS_set_TXT_record("_acme-challenge.$domain.", $keyauth);

    } elsif ($hook eq 'remove') {



Here, DNS_set_TXT_record() and DNS_clear_TXT_record() are functions assumed to add and remove TXT records in the configuration of an external DNS server that the ACME server queries. These records must contain the data provided by the Angie server to allow successful validation, similar to the process described in DNS Validation. The implementation details of such functions are beyond the scope of this guide.

Migrating from certbot#

If you previously used certbot to obtain and renew SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt while using nginx, follow these steps to transition to using the ACME module.

Suppose you initially configured certificates with the following command:

$ sudo certbot --nginx -d -d

The configuration automatically created by certbot is typically located in /etc/nginx/sites-available/example.conf and looks something like this:

server {

    listen 80;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

server {

    listen 443 ssl;

    root /var/www/example;
    index index.html;

    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;

    location / {

        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

In the example above, the highlighted lines must be modified. Depending on your circumstances and preferences, configure HTTP validation or DNS validation using the ACME module.

The resulting Angie configuration might look like this:

http {


    acme_client example;

    server {
        listen 80;
        return 444;

    server {
        listen 443 ssl;

        root /var/www/example;
        index index.html;

        acme                 example;

        ssl_certificate      $acme_cert_example;
        ssl_certificate_key  $acme_cert_key_example;

        location / {
            try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

Remember to reload the configuration after making changes:

$ sudo kill -HUP $(cat /run/

Once the new configuration is verified, you can delete the certbot certificates and optionally disable or remove certbot entirely, if it is no longer used elsewhere:

$ sudo rm -rf /etc/letsencrypt

$ sudo systemctl stop certbot.timer
$ sudo systemctl disable certbot.timer
$ # -- or --
$ sudo rm /etc/cron.d/certbot

$ sudo apt remove certbot
$ # -- or --
$ sudo dnf remove certbot